About the Capital Campaign

The campaign’s goal is to raise $20 million dollars to support the construction and expansion of the Overtown Youth Center.

The center will house the educational programs that are being offered to youth, young adults and families in Miami.

The Overtown Youth Center Capital Campaign is the vision of the Mourning Family Foundation to expand and to support the endeavors of the Overtown Youth Center. To all our donors, volunteers, contractors, and staff, THANK YOU for your support of the capital campaign! You will help us lay the foundation and complete a brand new facility in the next year. Your continued support is much appreciated.

The Capital Campaign will allow OYC to:

  • Serve as an economic empowerment center providing a holistic approach to eliminating barriers to success for both children and families.
  • Increase our capacity to serve over 5,000 youth and families using this newly renovated facility as the main hub that will deploy staff and services to the community-at-large.
  • Expand services to more youth in Overtown as well as other areas in need such as Wynwood, Allapatah, Little Haiti, Little Havana and eventually throughout Miami- Dade County and beyond.
  • Expand youth and family services, vocational training opportunities, collaborative programming, family empowerment services, alternative educational solutions, counseling, therapy, etc.

Contributing Levels

DIAMOND • $500,000
GOLD • $250,000
SILVER • $150,000
BRONZE • $50,000

Naming Opportunities

Health & Wellness Center • $2,000,000
Classroom Spaces (10) • $1,500,000
Entrance/Lobby Area • $500,000
Technology/Innovation Lab • $500,000
Library • $500,000
Garden Area • $350,000
Conference Room • $300,000
Music Lab • $250,000
Family Resource Center • $250,000
Change Ageny Laboratory • $250,000
Culinary Area • $250,000
Dance Studio • $150,000
Art Lab • $150,000

Make a Pledge

Download our Campaign Pledge Form and pay by money order, check and credit card. You can choose to make a one-time payment or choose give your contribution in installments: weekly, monthly, quarterly and/or annually. This form can be mailed to the

Overtown Youth Center
450 NW 14th Street
Miami, FL 33136
Attn: Overtown Youth Center Capital Campaign

Checks payable to: Overtown Youth Center


Tina Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Overtown Youth Center
(305) 349-1204

Online Giving