Services offered within the Education Pillar include in-school services and after school program services during the academic year inclusive of mentoring, enrichment, and academic support.
The Overtown Youth Center (OYC Miami) provides in-school services in more than 10 schools in South Florida. These services include tracking and monitoring academic achievement, attendance, and behavior.
Additionally, OYC Miami’s in-school team serves as student advocates, mentors and accountability partners for students, parents, and school administrators.
Following the school day, after school programming is offered throughout the school year.  Students participate in age-appropriate program activities at OYC’s main site and at school partner sites across these levels: Elementary (K-5th), Middle School (6-8th), and High School (9-12th).
During programming, students receive a hot meal, snacks, academic support, recreation/wellness activities, enrichment activities (e.g., visual arts, music, performing arts, dance, STEM), exposure trips, social emotional wellness sessions, and college and career readiness activities.
Throughout all program elements, staff focus on bonding and building strong relationships with students and families and helping each student work towards their individual goals.