The OYC Miami Health & Wellness program expands the agency’s current holistic programming to place a larger emphasis on healthy eating and active lifestyles. The program incorporates; healthy living curriculum, culinary courses, indoor and outdoor fitness activities, integrated wellness (e.g., martial arts, yoga, meditation, etc.), positive health routines, recreational activities such as swimming, gardening, dance, and exposure to a variety of sports. 

OYC Miami increases youth’s knowledge of healthy lifestyle options and equips them to perform well in school and ultimately in life.

Healthy Eating: OYC enlists partners, such as Common Threads, to teach healthy eating using a curriculum that includes: mindful eating, portion size, hydration and dehydration, nutritional requirements, ingredients, nutrition labels, balance and variation of diet, effects of poor nutrition, etc. Hands-on activities and field trips will be incorporated to expose and reinforce healthy eating. Culinary classes offer food demonstrations, creating simple yet healthy dishes, and cookbook usage. OYC Miami’s Dinner program also offers a hot, nutritious meal, Monday – Friday.

Nutrition: Culinary Sessions are provided weekly and include interactive, cooking demonstrations. Field trips are also offered to connect hands-on lessons on health, wellness, and culinary skills to real life experiences. Students visit places such as Farmer’s markets, community gardens, standard supermarkets, and restaurants.

Physical Activity: OYC addresses this focus area by strategically engaging students in activities such as dance, sports (including Esports), active play, recreation, and integrated wellness (e.g., martial arts, yoga, self-defense, meditation), etc. OYC Miami’s Recreation Coaches provide year-round programming in fitness and wellness activities including youth leadership opportunities. OYC has also partnered with PowerUpEDU to install the Lu Interactive Playground in OYC Miami’s new state-of-the art gymnasium which includes an interactive equipment for active learning and physical activity such as Esports and kid-friendly exercise. As a result of OYC’s wellness programming, youth exercise more frequently and learn tools that promote wellness.

Wellness: Recreation/Physical Wellness activities take place daily. Elements of social emotional wellness (SEW) are embedded in all OYC Miami program activities. All staff serve as role models and foster safe, supportive, interactive, and engaging spaces where students are encouraged to learn, engage in teamwork and experience a sense of belonging.

Health Services: The OnMed Care Station at OYC Miami offers state-of-the-art telehealth services, providing accessible healthcare solutions for individuals aged 2 and up. Open to the public, the OnMed Care Station includes treatments for colds, flu, skin conditions, and more, empowering the community to prioritize health and wellness. Schedule an appointment and learn more about this innovative service by visiting the OnMed Care Station page.