About the Program

One of OYC Miami’s fundamental beliefs is that every child has a gift and a talent. OYC provides enrichment programming in areas such as visual art, the performing arts ,and other cultural exposure opportunities.

Additionally, OYC Miami believes that exposure is the catalyst for youth development and is a key element for students reaching their full potential.

OYC Miami offers field trip opportunities that include theatrical plays, musicals, sports events, movies, nature trips, leadership trips, service-learning trips, and other outings to broaden their perspectives; as well as provide students opportunities that are not afforded to them.

OYC Miami specifically focuses on providing enrichment opportunities for youth in the visual and performing arts as art uses the power of words, images, and movement to communicate feelings and to evoke feelings in others.

Art-related enrichment activities include dance, music, spoken word/poetry, drama, photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, and more. Instructors and community partners lead enrichment sessions with students through high-quality instruction and help prepare students for showcases, art installations, and/or professionally produced performances.

Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of art mediums throughout the year in order to express themselves through creative outlets. Field trips (exposure trips) supplement these experiences as students may be able to attend special events and visit venues that promote art and culture.